英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:18:06

be pleased with

[bi: pli:zd wið]


  • 网络解释

1. 对...感到满意:batter vt.击破,捣坏,炮击 | be pleased with对...感到满意 | bear vt., vi.忍受,负担

2. 对...感到满足:be better off 生活优裕起来,境况好起来 | be pleased with 对...感到满足 | be popular with 得人心的,受...欢迎的


3. 对于......感到满意:carry on 经营;继续(工作) | be pleased with 对于......感到满意 | be angry with 对于......感到生气


4. 对......满意:be on 上演, 上映 | be pleased with 对......满意 | be poor at 在......比较差

You can make changes to your living quarters, but not everyone will be pleased with your efforts.(你可以改善居室,但是并非所有人都会喜欢你这样做。)
We hope you will be pleased with our selections and that this, your first order, will lead to further business between us.(我们希望你会对我们的选择感到满意,希望你的第一笔订单将会带来我们之间更多的生意。)
We guarantee its quality, we strongly recommend this product, I'm sure you'll be pleased with it.(我们保证起质量。我们强力推荐这种产品,我相信您一定会满意的。)
As requested, we will send you a replacement within a week and hope you will be pleased with the new lot.(按你方要求,我方将在一周内给你方寄替换品,希望你们对新的一批货满意。)
I think she'd be pleased with me, even if I didn't take her advice.(我想,即使我当初没有听从她的建议,她也会为我感到自豪。)
It is important for you to be pleased with the service provided by the store consistently.(店铺所提供的服务能持续地使你感到愉快是重要的。)
He took me on his back to go out for relaxing in order to be pleased with me.(为了哄我开心,他背着我到外面散心,给我讲故事。)
It was a good match. Murcianos can be pleased with their team's performance.(比赛很好,木耳的球迷可以对他们的球队表现满意。)
You'll be pleased with the results if you take the time to decorate your home.(如果你愿意花时间装饰住房,装饰后你会感到满意的。)
The teacher seemed to be pleased with my work.(老师好像对我的工作很满意。)
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